Oct 8, 2011

Chronic Indecision

chronic indecision: A constantly reocurring or persistent inability to make up one's mind; perpetual doubt concerning two or more possible alternatives or courses of action.
It seems that the more you think, your ability to make a choice decreases dramatically.
See, if you think too much you will start analyzing alternative possibilities and advantages and disadvantages of every choice. and that only complecate things even more, what do I want in life ? should I be an Engineer? should I learn programming and be a programmer? should I work as a photographer? or may be open a wood crafts workshop!!
But wait every single one of those means I'll not be able to do the rest, true it will generate money that will allow me to do stuff that makes me happy -don't know those yet- ,but who says which is better ? and what if I made a wrong choice? what if all worked out and i'm still not happy ? there is no guarantees of any kind about anything, how can I chose then !!
The simple question is What the hell am I supposed to do now ? and Why?


Anonymous said...

"I see my life branching out before me like a green fig tree. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckons and winks..
one fig is a lover and a happy home, and another fig is a famous musician, and another fig is a brilliant psychologist.. and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out.. I see myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose.. I want each and every one of them.. but choosing one means losing all the rest, and, as I sit there, unable to decide, the figs begin to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plop to the ground at my feet.."

Nemo Nobody said...

Sylivia Plath, The bell jar

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