Jan 4, 2012


30 mins ago I was thinking about killing myself by overdozing and now that I've started over dozing I actually feel REALLY good that I have disregarded the entire notion and decided to build myself little a book shelf from scratch and maybe sell some to people if it looked nice !! WTH
I mean really . is that all it takes to bring me from a suicidal person to a creative optimist!!!! FUCK THAT
and FUCK the other grumpy THAT too... why on earth do I not feel normal without anything !!


Polka Dotted said...

well... the new year's depression

when u decide to over dose and then kill yourself

been there, done that... didn't kill myself yet :D

Nemo Nobody said...

:D I know I won't be killing myself any time soon, and this depression has been going on with me for a while now bas kont 3amel 3abet :)

Polka Dotted said...

Imagine this depression X 2
new year's depression + birthday depression :D

DAMN.... u expect people to pay back 1/100 the care you give'em on their special days then you discover YOU HAVE DONE ALOT OF EFFORT in vain

I'll just keep my calm till I don't :D

(I dunno what you have to do with that but I need to say it out loud... my brother's ex fiancee knew yesterday that I broke off my engagement and instantly she changed her status to "One Word... Karma" )

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